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Discipleship at OFAC

By prioritizing growth in faith, we seek to fulfill our calling to love God and neighbor, embodying the teachings of Jesus in every aspect of life.

Image by Sarah Noltner

Sunday School (9am)

At OFAC, we highly value parents and children worshiping together. However, we also value age-appropriate learning and discipleship opportunities. Sunday School classes are held every fall (10-12 weeks) and spring (12-15 weeks).


Our current offerings:

  • Nursery (0-3)

  • PreK – 1st Grade

  • 2nd – 5th Grade

  • Adults (6th Grade+)*


* We have a designated table for teenagers, as well as a designated adult to help facilitate discussion.


There's no need to register, but if you plan to drop off children, please allow 5-10 minutes for the initial check-in process.

The Christian Year

By God’s design, we experience life as a series of seasons, cyclical and repetitive, yet constantly changing. The same is true of the Christian Year (or liturgical calendar), which is designed to form and shape the Church in accordance with the life of Christ. The Christian Year is a powerful and time-tested tool for discipleship.


We have created a webpage to serve as a guide and resource as you seek to inhabit the Christian Year.

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© 2024  Oak Forest Anglican Church

1216 Bethlehem Street, 77018

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